Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Introducing Buildings and Music

Hello, and welcome to Buildings and Music.  My name is Paul Kroenke, and these are two of my great passions in life.  I count myself lucky enough to live with both of them each and every day, and hope that some of you out there somewhere find some of what I have to say at least mildly interesting.  I will suppose that much of what I write about buildings will be fairly technical and "inside baseball" and may interest more people in the business, while I'll be much more opinionated and fan-boy-ish when it comes to music.

I previously had written extensively on politics from a libertarian perspective at Organized Exploitation, but found myself burned out on the topic, while also taking on the responsibilities of running a new company as its Vice President, and ultimately starting my own.

I own a general contracting and construction management company, and so find myself living one of my great passions on a daily basis, in building buildings.  Another great passion of mine throughout my life has been music.  Though I don't play anything myself, music touches me in a way almost nothing else in life does, and so I think it makes sense for me to combine these two things in one place, where I can examine what I think and feel about buildings, and what I think and feel about music.